Pain Relief

In his years of practicing Alternative therapies and chiropractic therapy, Dr Ron has come across a myriad of products aimed at helping people to overcome a variety of muscle pain.

The one he has seen giving consistent results, simply called Dr Ron's Muscle Rub was originally developed for racehorses and greyhounds! Imagine his delight when he discovered that it also gave substantial relief to his patients - and now you have the opportunity to use this fantastic product too.

Lots of people suffer from lower back pain, calf muscle pain, painful and swollen joints & ligaments - and this product has shown consistently good results for so many of them that Dr Ron has decided to offer it at a great price on his website (and free postage too!). Of course, if you can pick it up, you may even get a discount!. Click HERE to purchase.

Also available is the patella support strap, which has magnets in it - also proven to work in a holistic way with the body. A lot of research has been done regarding the effect magnets have on the body. Magnetic fields are believed to attract and repel charged particles in the blood creating movement and heat. This would cause blood vessels to widen which accelerates healing by bringing in fresh oxygen and nutrients and removing toxins. This could all help to reduce inflammation and stiffness. Treatment of pain with magnets goes back hundreds of years. Dr Ron has the following strap available :

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